Sunday, August 26, 2012

All good

Well I am pretty happy with my market yesterday - made a $100 less market stall fee of $24.  It doesn't sound like much but I can tell you it will be very handy.

I have just finished more online tests with the employment agency so hope all goes well there and I get a call for work tomorrow.  They rang this morning to chase up the tests so hoping that means they are keen to get me on the books coz they have work.

And supposed to be (according to my own schedule) taking in a heap of recycling here for cashing in.  We get 10 cents a bottle for glass, plastic and cans. This just started here earlier this year. So I have a few friends that I collect from as they can't be bothered with it all.  And once a month I do  run and get anywhere from $50 to $80.  It all adds up I suppose.

This cute little lizard from Thailand 2009

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