Friday, August 24, 2012

Market Stall tomorrow.

Well... I've rang the market organisers and if I turn up at 7am tomorrow (Sunday) they will allocate me a spot for my market stall.  $24 for the day to have a stall and the markets run from 8am to 2pm.

I've spent the afternoon - doing a practice set up of my stall at home.  And I will finish the labelling, pricing in the morning and experiment with lay-out through the day to keep me busy.

For about 2 and a half years I did the markets when I first moved here.  I sold beads, jewellery, crafts, recycled clothing and bits and pieces.  Although I also worked full-time back then, the markets were my first taste of being self-employed and I loved it!!

My main aim at this stage though, is to bring in some money while having a big de-clutter before I have to fit in some inherited furniture later in the year.  And to have a bit of fun!

So the car is packed.... and I'll do an update after the markets - hopefully with good news to report!!

Cushions I made a few months ago - given as a gift. 2012

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