Sunday, August 19, 2012

Homefront Update

I was just looking back over my posts of the year - didn't take long - ha ha but it was interesting and thought I might provide an update - more for my records and for future motivation.

My crocheting is going well - have spurts - the original rug is huge - and after the next pattern finishes I will finish the rug.  Its too big to take with me so I used to make cushion covers instead during my lunch hour. I made our dog a wee blankie too - a bit chilly this dry.

The vegie garden was going okay - until the scrub fowl got in there while we were in Bali and dug 50% up. So I will replant, repair the fence and go again.  Still getting good supply of chillies though and a few tomatoes (if I can beat my chooks to them) and my Lime tree is flowering heaps so I am hoping for a good supply this year - its only ever produced 2 limes 2 years ago for first fruiting.

My first attempt at preserving (Dill Cucumbers) was a flamin' disaster - the recipe asks for 1 cup of salt in the brine!!!  Completely inedible!!  Yuk!!  Although I did a fair bit of banana chipping there for a while and I experimented with a loaned food sealer - love it!! I also bought a 4 tiered sprouter (must put some in today) which is awesome.

And I have been doing maintenance (like the chairs below), and tiling and grouting the new shed bathroom - looks great - if I do say so myself.

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