Friday, September 21, 2012

Stunned as a Mullet!!

So I just got the estimate of my refund from the accountant.  I was hoping for 10k.  i got 1k!!! Less $200 I owe the tax Office from 2011 year - less nearly $700 for accountant bill. So bugga all in the end and that unfortunately was my big grand plan of survival for the month ahead plus a chunk towards planned 2013 trip. To say I am feeling numb is an understatement!!  And I don't think it has truly sunk in yet.

As luck would have it  my BF -  as a birthday present and contribution towards my farewell / birthday party expenses, popped $1000 in my bank account for me without me knowing for a few days.  So that was completely awesome of him - I haven't used any yet but had planned to so will just have to budget a bit wiser for the party and when I am away.

Wow.....what to do....

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