Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Few Dollars

I haven't posted for a couple of weeks - my depression got the better of me.  It was 1 year since dad died in May, but then in the last 2 weeks - Dads birthday, Fathers Day, World Suicide Prevention Day and the 1 year anniversary since my cousin hung himself.  Suppose its normal to feel depressed.

Today I have about 4 hours work with one of the clients left over since I closed my business down, and I have advised him that today will be the last visit.  So I should have enough money to scrape by on bills for another week hopefully when he pays me.

Somehow I am just managing to scrape through financially - I withdrew some money from a little investment account I have -only $500 and then my brother and I have money in a joint account for the house down south so we both took some from there. And this week - the work. 

And then I am off next week for about 4-6 weeks to finally pack up dads house down south.  I should find out in the next few days the refund amount (hopefully) from the Tax Office as my accountant is close to finalising 2 years income tax.  Thank goodness.  At least I will know where I stand financially - hoping for $10k but not sure if that is a bit optimistic.

And today I must remember to post away and ask for pretty much the last of the money from my investment account - $500 so that I have some money for on the road for the 5 days before I get to dads house. And after that, not sure - it'll be 3 weeks to a month I'd think before I see my tax refund.

Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Jan 2012

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